15 November 2018
MVP Musical Night
After participating in Back2School program in the morning and undergo 2nd half work in the office, I mange myself to come to annual dinner at my work place. The theme of the dinner is musical.
29 September 2018
MaTP 2018
I attend to Management Trainee Program 2018 (MaTP 2018) interview at G Hotel. There were total of 33 participants who came from an awesome different background who came to this event. Many of them came from overseas University with higher CGPA. According to the panel who is the manager, only 2 person will be selected to join the course in 18 months that will receive a local or division specific onboarding as well as an MaTP-specific onboarding. The selected candidate will gain access to all regular standard company benefits. The rest candidate who not selected might be offered for other job position.
The refreshment was served to all participants throughout this even. The participants was given 2 case studies to be solved and discussed in group (4 people) in 30 minutes and present their result to 5 panel judges in 15 minutes. I was assign in group B with Luther, Thaness, and Blaqis. They are so enthusiasm during this event and I learned a lot of thing from them by this short hour of friendship :)
"Engineer can be Manager, Manager can't be Engineer."
16 August 2018
First of all, I would like to thank to my supervisor who always keep encourage me to make through to this conference even though I felt like I'm not good enough to make it this far. Even though I was in the midst of facing an unwanted issue, I keep pretending I was alright. Hehe. I feel blessed and greatful for giving me this exciting opportunity to participate in this conference with plenty of grant support.
International Conference on Robotics, Vision, Signal Processing and Power Applications (ROVISP) has been routinely organized by School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) since 1994 (known as Robotics, Vision & Parallel Processing for Industrial Automation, ROVPIA). The conference has been a place for researchers, scientists, engineers, academicians, students and industrial professional to present and exchange research findings and activities.
This year, the 10th ROVISP2018 is held in conjunction with 11th Regional Conference on Electrical & Electronic Engineering (RCEEE2018), sponsored by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for AUN/SEED-Net. RCEEE is an annual conference organized by member institutions of AUN/SEED-Net with the purpose to present research outputs of the AUN/SEED-Net network and to pursue discussions on future collaborative research topics. The ROVISP2018 and RCEEE2018 will be held at Wembley St-Giles Hotel in Georgetown, Penang on 14th – 15th August 2018. The topics of interest are as follows but are not limited to:
- Robotics, Control, Mechatronics and Automation
- Vision, Image and Signal Processing
- Artifical Intelligence and Computer Applications
- Electronic Design and Applications
- Biomedical, Bioengineering and Applications
- RF, Antenna Applications and Telecommunication Systems
- Power Systems, High Voltage and Renewable Energy
- Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Electronics
- Devices, Circuits and Embedded Systems
- Sensors and Sensing Techniques
05 August 2018
Nasihat Rasulullah kepada Ali Bin Abu Thalib
Nasihat Nabi s.a.w kepada Ali r.a Wahai Ali, bagi orang ‘ALIM itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya:
1) Jujur dalam berkata-kata.
2) Menjauhi segala yang haram.
3) Merendahkan diri.
Wahai Ali, bagi orang yang JUJUR itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya:
1) Merahsiakan ibadahnya
2) Merahsiakan sedekahnya.
3) Merahsiakan ujian yang menimpanya.
Wahai Ali, bagi orang yang TAKWA itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya:
1) Takut berlaku dusta dan keji.
2) Menjauhi kejahatan.
3) Memohon yang halal kerana takut jatuh dalam keharaman.
Wahai Ali, bagi AHLI IBADAH itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya:
1) Mengawasi dirinya.
2) Menghisab dirinya.
3) Memperbanyakkan ibadah kepada Allah s.w.t.
1) Jujur dalam berkata-kata.
2) Menjauhi segala yang haram.
3) Merendahkan diri.
Wahai Ali, bagi orang yang JUJUR itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya:
1) Merahsiakan ibadahnya
2) Merahsiakan sedekahnya.
3) Merahsiakan ujian yang menimpanya.
Wahai Ali, bagi orang yang TAKWA itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya:
1) Takut berlaku dusta dan keji.
2) Menjauhi kejahatan.
3) Memohon yang halal kerana takut jatuh dalam keharaman.
Wahai Ali, bagi AHLI IBADAH itu ada 3 tanda-tandanya:
1) Mengawasi dirinya.
2) Menghisab dirinya.
3) Memperbanyakkan ibadah kepada Allah s.w.t.
03 August 2018
SK-II from Japan
My sister just came back from Japan for her PhD research studies and brought me a skin care named SK-II. There was a sales with lowest price happening in Japan. I decided to give it a try with this skin care because the price is cheaper compared in my country. It was the PITERA full line set. The packaging was the same with Malaysia's SK-II but unfortunately they are having a little bit different item compared to Japan's SK-II set. So, what is in the packaging?
1. Facial Treatment Cleansing Gel, 15g
- A purifying makeup remover effectively breaks down dirt and makeup, leaving the face completely pristine and supple. Use during the day and night.
2. Facial Treatment Cleanser, 20g
- A fine-textured foaming cleanser that effectively washes away impurities, leaving you refreshed and hydrated. Use during the day and night.
3. Facial Treatment Essence, 75ml
- SK-II's signature and most awarded product. This beauty essence, with over 90% PITERA, improves skin texture and even out skin tone, giving you radiant-looking skin. Use during the day and night.
4. R.N.A Power Radical New Age Airy Milky Lotion, 15g
- Improves mutliple signs of aging, giving you a new level of firmness from multiple angle. Use during the day and night.
25 July 2018
Happy Eid 2018
1 Syawal - I'm so unexcited to celebrate syawal this year. This year, I didn't buy new cloth. I just wear cloth which I brought during my last year convocation ceremony. I packed my cloth as simple as possible. We had a very pleasant Solat Sunat Aidilfitri at the nearest masjid on 1st Syawal which is on Friday. I didn't wear make up during Hari Raya. I just wear some light powder and lip balm. As always, it is hardly for us to capture a proper family picture for the whole family because some of us is missing in action.
2 Syawal - It was Syed Hud akikah day. Kakyong was here. There were many guess went to Atok's house today.
3 Syawal - Abang Nua n family, uncle pacai and family, ayah long and family went back to their house.
4 Syawal -
5 Syawal - Johor
6 Syawal - Hitam went missing at Shell, Muar, Johor. We all jump in the forest just to seach for Hitam except Ahmad. We want to see the babies in Seremban, but it was inappropriate to come and see the babies at night. So, we decided to sleep in KL.
7 Syawal - I puke a lot while my father driving up to Fraser's Hill. We are lost and then we found a hotel to sleep in Fraser's Hill.
8 Syawal - Fraser's Hill.
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10 Syawal - Ahmad begins to register himself at Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS). I planned to fast today, but as it turns out, I fainted while waiting for his registration to complete. My stomach suddenly aches very bad while I was waiting and standing. I ask my mom's permission for me to sit down under the nearest tent. My stomach keeps aching, so I ask again mom's permission for me to went to the toilet at the nearest masjid. While queuing to enter the toilet, my head spinning, my stomach aches and my body wet with sweat. I've been experiencing this pain before, so I knew how to handle myself from falling down. After entering the toilet, I rush myself to Tiya and I sit down at the satires because my vision becomes blurred. I ask Tiya where is the female prayer side. So, we went to the female prayer side and I drop my head down on the carpet and quickly take off my headscarf. My body temperature rises and I was wet with more sweat. I tried to find fan nearby to cool down myself. My stomach started to ache even more. I called my mom to tell her where I was. I gave my purse to Tiya to help me brought some mineral water. We waited in the masjid until I finally feel relief.
11 Syawal - I was in mood where I felt like I was hit by a truck. I stayed home trying to prepared a slide for my viva.
12 Syawal - MC
13 Syawal - MC
14 Syawal - MC
15 Syawal - At night, following my parents to pick up Ahmad from his study place. Than we went to Aeon, went to Kaison and brought some groceries stuff. Then we went dinner of mee rebus at some restaurant near by. We drop by Ahmad's hostel to load his stuff first before heading to home.
16 Syawal - Following my mom to her jamuaan hari raya at her school.
17 Syawal - Aeon.
18 Syawal - Drive Tiya to school. Planned to fast but fail because there's some stain. My friend Shiqin just finished her viva today She did it earlier because she has to went to a surgery to remove her ovarian cyst.
19 Syawal - Fasting. Drive Tiya to school.
20 Syawal - Fasting
21 Syawal - Fasting
22 Syawal - Fasting
23 Syawal - Fasting
24 Syawal - Fasting. Mom's friends coming to our house.
02 April 2018
Motorcycle crashes into car
After packing my stuff and bring some packed meal in the morning, I was about to drive my self to Penang to attend for the Intel interview which being held at Intel PG12 at 4 pm. I drove myself there early so to make sure that I was on time for the interview. I intend to go to my sister's house in Bukit Mertajam before the interview. I was losing my direction while I was searching for my sister's house. My sister just sends me her house location at the traffic light, my car was slow in motion at that time and suddenly, there's a human with motorcycle fell down in front of my car. It was so devastating impact when I saw he suddenly fall. I want to go straight, but the motorcycle want to turn to the right and suddenly appear at my blind spot (left side of my car), and we crashed at the middle of the traffic light. I was terrified if I just killed him. I quickly get out from the car to see how he was. I picked all his belonging on the road to the side of the road. Many of other motorcyclis surrounded me at that tragedy. They help to lift the motorcycle and the guy up from his fall. My car didn't smash because my father has just changed the chassis part into plastic material so that my car didn't crash again. Hehe. But my chassis part fell down a little, but can't really see it. I felt so sorry to see him fall, hurt, crying with blood.
Me: Okay tak?
Him: Tak nampak ke?
Me: Tak nampak.
Stranger: You tunggu sini. Nanti apa2 you panggil ambulance.
Me: Okay.
Him: Tak yah buat report eh?
Me: Ha'a. Takyah. Jap nak alihkan kerete.
(He jump in one leg painfully in the middle of the road to get his slipper. He didn't even ask for my help.)
Me: Jom pergi hospital?
Him: Pergi klinik jela.
Him: Naik moto jela.
Me: Hmm... Nah ni duit untuk pergi klinik. Saya minta maaf tau?
He silenced and paused for too long before taking the money and then I just left. I don't know how to begging people if they don't want it. I felt regret and sorry to just left him bleeding with blood like that. I hope we meet again by accident one day (in my dream). Until now, that traumatic moment still haunting my brain. :')
Meanwhile, after that incident, I was calmly went for the interview like nothing just happened. The interview experience was great. They ask a lot of about technical questions. I was just like teaching the interviewer by drawing a lot in the white board about what I knew about analog, semiconductor and my project. But I just screw up the moment he asks about C++ because I forget about it. I just remember about Verilog and VHDL coding. Whatever things to come after this, I'm just accepting the fate :')
"There is wisdom that we need to release something that we really love. Believe Him, because if it's our mate, how far he goes away, he'll definitely go back to our lap."
22 March 2018
Tough times
We're all hurting inside. We have one pain that hard to express. Sometimes we feel so depressed and in complete despair. We think no-one sees our pain but there is Someone. And if you remember Him, He will remember you. That's His promise. Everything happens for a reason. Never complain, never explain. Say Alhamdulillah.
May Allah heal the broken heart,
the ones who are silent,
who cannot express their pain,
the ones who are tried of torment,
the ones who need a break.
May Allah put an end to your sadness,
may He put a smile on your face. :)
May Allah listen to everyone's silent prayers & internal screams. My heart really aches secretly but very much badly, and the worst thing is I cannot share even a single word with anyone. May Allah mend all broken heart and grant us everlasting happiness :)
08 March 2018
Car crash
I'm having a meeting with my supervisor today. I bump into Nurin and Far at my school. I present my simulation result to my supervisor. He said that I can complete my thesis earlier with my current obtained data. But if I'm improving it and make the data exactly the same as previous work, the better. So, he keeps offering me a PhD grant to further my studies in PhD under him. He said that the topic would be the same, but with experiment and fabrication. I'm currently seeking for a job as an engineer and I do in love with this topic. I'm in dilemma with this decision. After meeting with my supervisor, I filled the gas tank, buy a coffee for my father at the nearest store. On my way back, I accidentally have a car crash at the highway corner. I'm speechless. I'm in shocked. My head felt dizzy. I felt down to earth. I can't believe what just happened. This is the first time ever I'm having a car crash after driving a manual car in 6 years. I don't know how to explain what actually happens behind the scene. It was so unconscious mind. But.. yeah.... accident just happened with minor injuries. At least I'm still breathing and alive.
"When Allah takes something from your grasp, he is about to replace it with something better."
10 February 2018
Lymphatic cancer
My brother in law was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. He got a tumour growing on his neck. Lymphoma is cancer that begins in infection-fighting cells of the immune system, called lymphocytes. These cells are in the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and other parts of the body. When you have lymphoma, lymphocytes change and grow out of control.
He undergoes the operation while I was in study week at the University. My sister has to go to UK and Japan for her PhD research and left his husband alone few weeks after the operation. Everyone was so shocked with the news. He was so kind to me and was tested with many obstacles. I felt sorry for him. I owed him a lot. I don't know what I can do to help him except to include him in my prayer. He always there to help me. He's the one who helped me to sell stock, he's the one who helped me to board a plane alone, he's the one who wants to be there while I was lost alone at night with no direction, he's the one who wants to be there while my car's tires flat, he's the one who helped me pay the registration fee for my master degree, he's the one who helped me cross the road in a big city while I feel lost, he's the one who helped me to collect my degree transcript. I don't think I could survive in this world without him.
However, lymphoma is very treatable, and the outlook can vary depending on the type of lymphoma and its stage. Hopefully, he will survive by finding the right treatment for his type and stage of illness.
He undergoes the operation while I was in study week at the University. My sister has to go to UK and Japan for her PhD research and left his husband alone few weeks after the operation. Everyone was so shocked with the news. He was so kind to me and was tested with many obstacles. I felt sorry for him. I owed him a lot. I don't know what I can do to help him except to include him in my prayer. He always there to help me. He's the one who helped me to sell stock, he's the one who helped me to board a plane alone, he's the one who wants to be there while I was lost alone at night with no direction, he's the one who wants to be there while my car's tires flat, he's the one who helped me pay the registration fee for my master degree, he's the one who helped me cross the road in a big city while I feel lost, he's the one who helped me to collect my degree transcript. I don't think I could survive in this world without him.
However, lymphoma is very treatable, and the outlook can vary depending on the type of lymphoma and its stage. Hopefully, he will survive by finding the right treatment for his type and stage of illness.
16 January 2018
Social network quarantine
"So lay me down in this field and put me under the trees in the tall grass where they won’t find me.
Enjoying silence and peace until the sirens they come back screaming, taking me away.
I lost a piece of myself, and I forgot to slow down and just breathe and it’s scaring me.
I’ve given all I can give so don’t let me go."
Hey, it has been a while since my last appearance. I'm not dead. I'm just trying to survive here. I've been quarantine myself from logging on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in December 2017 until my last final exam ends on 4th January 2018. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't procrastinate while I'm on this journey. This will be the last final exam I encountered in my life.
Before this, I've been completely offline from all social network more than a year. So, it's not an issue for me to start my offline habit again. What it feels like to completely offline? I feel focused on what I'm currently doing. I feel the joy of missing out. I feel like I'm the happiest person on earth. I improved my communication skill by talking with a lot of people from face to face. I keep increasing my Quran reading and prayer as my entertainment. I improved my reading skill by reading the newspaper to get the correct current issue. And obviously, I didn't care about any celebrity issue. Sorry if this paragraph sounds extremely nerdy. Ha-ha.
Meanwhile, even though I'm offline, my passive business still running. I feel blessed to have a loyal customer who keeps on repeating order. Sometimes I do feel like I want to quit my passive business, but it is hard for you to stop once you accidentally start it. Yeah, business never stops.
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