Daily breakfast. The oatmeal with beverage. |
After 3 months of semester break, now its time for me to come back to USM. During this semester I didn't get any offer to stay either in Desasiswa Lembaran nor Desasiswa Jaya because of my MYCSD point. I just get an offer to stay in Desasiwa Utama which located outside of my campus. In that case, I have to bring along my dad's old car to help me reach the lecture class every day. Desasiswa Utama will have 7 numbers of floor. The 1st floor to 4rd floor are for male, the 5th and 6th floor is for female, and the 7th floor is for guest. My fee was RM450 for deposit and RM115 for monthly rent.
Picture of my bed at my friend rent house. |
At first, I was staying at my friends rent house 2 days before making decision to really stay in Desasiswa Utama. My friend,
Yana, and
Shahadah are so kind to help me to move all my stuff to Desasiswa Utama. It was my first time I have a friend who really helped me.
Picture of my bed at Desasiswa Utama |
The problem that I was currently facing was when my occasion, having met at night. I feel so unsafe and insecure to come out at night alone since there are too many males around at night. So, I decided to not attend to the meeting, Another problem is I didn't have my laptop with me in the early week of the semester. It's kind of hard for me to do my presentation assignment. Luckily
Dayah was able to help me by letting me borrow her laptop. Beside that, there are also one certain of the time when my car didn't function so well and
Zafirah and
Nurin was there helping me.
Since I was living outside the campus, I learn the meaning of why it is important to have friends when you are growing up. It is because when you are growing older, your parents can't always come to rescue you forever. All you have to do is learn to live in community.
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