like what I say I dont want to take my result and let Umi take it for me. ayah amek cuti arini sebab nak tengok result aku. dekat dapo Umi tanye aku rase aku dapat berapa. aku cakap tiga. dah tengah hari. cikgu suzi call Umi cakap Fara dapat 8A. aku pegi pakai baju kurong dengan bertocang satu. ingat tak nak jejak kaki kat convent lagi dah. turun je terus pegi kat pejabat nak return buku teks form3. kerani tu taknak amek cakap return bila skola bukak nanti. pegi dekat dewan aku nampak Aimi dengan Nadirah. aku tak tego tapi tanye kat mane nak amek result. aku masok dengan hati kosong aku reda ape yang aku dapat. yela wan tak kisah. aku tercari cari jugak cikgu kat mane. cikgu dekat hujong skali belah kiri. tengok2 betol aku dapat 3A. terima kasih lah dekat sebahagian pihak yang kisah pasal result aku. TAHNIAH! TAHNIAH!
so, this is it. I even not care what I get. atok slalu tanye aku takot tak tunggu result kua but aku takde feeling. I promis to get 8A but now what? I can't get a guitar. I am more stupid than my sister but what I care. SPM still have more. Kamila dapat 8A.
28 DIS 09 I have a call from Hasanah. she call just want to ask about my result. she tell me what she get and also the other in 3K5. Hasanah 4A 4B. Pa-In get 7A. Aimi get 6A. and the other I forget. some that so supprise me is many of all the fuckers get more better than me. yelah maybe aku ada banyak tekanan. emmmmm. . . lupakan.
I want to go out and play. dont worry be happy.
so, this is it. I even not care what I get. atok slalu tanye aku takot tak tunggu result kua but aku takde feeling. I promis to get 8A but now what? I can't get a guitar. I am more stupid than my sister but what I care. SPM still have more. Kamila dapat 8A.
28 DIS 09 I have a call from Hasanah. she call just want to ask about my result. she tell me what she get and also the other in 3K5. Hasanah 4A 4B. Pa-In get 7A. Aimi get 6A. and the other I forget. some that so supprise me is many of all the fuckers get more better than me. yelah maybe aku ada banyak tekanan. emmmmm. . . lupakan.
I want to go out and play. dont worry be happy.